Intl CH WindyCanyon's Northern Spy CDX RA JH OA OAJ CC "Mata" (dob 2/08/05)
Mata has the following health certifications: OFA good hips, elbows clear, heart clear, CERF annually/clear since 7 wks, CNM Clear, PRA Clear and EIC Clear.
Mata is a very pretty, structurally correct smaller bitch, weighing in currently at ~56 lbs in working condition, and measuring 21" tall at the withers. It'll be hard to find a better temperament as Mata loves everyone and everything, and aims to please no matter what I ask of her! She handily earned her JH (Junior Hunter) and CDX (Open Obedience) and rally titles and is running agility at the Excellent level currently needing just one more qualification for her AX (AKC Excellent) title. At 6.5 yrs old, Mata has happily finished several AKC performance titles in 3 different venues in style, in between raising 2 litters and helping w/ others-- you've just got to "know" Mata to understand that last part.... she LOVES babies! Her pups from previous litters are excelling at hunting/hunt tests, obedience, agility, and SAR (search and rescue) in addition to being great pets too, of course!

HRCH CPR Wind River SST MH "Jet" (dob 10/26/08)
Jet has the following health certifications: OFA good hips, normal elbows, CERF clear (5/11), CNM clear by parentage and EIC clear
Jet is a handsome, structurally very nice smaller chocolate male, weighing in currently at 69# and measuring approximately 22.5" at the withers. Jet has a very calm, friendly temperament and has been a great team player according to his owners/handlers Sharon and Don Collins. At just 2.5 years old, Jet is already an AKC Master Hunter (MH) and UKC/HRC Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH). He recently earned his CPR (certified pointing retriever) title.
It has always been my plan to breed back into healthy, sound field lines every now and again to help maintain the strong drive/work ethic and birdiness essential in a good Labrador. Jet certainly fits my criteria!
We look forward to a litter of *BLACK* Jet and Mata puppies to be born in mid November 2011!
Jet and Mata, Sept 17, 2011... hopeful new parents by Nov 15!
Jet whispering sweet nothings in Mata's ear.... he thought she was cute despite that "gopher nose" (my girls have been doing FAR too much mouse/gopher hunting every morning in my field by the looks of the noses here!)